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  • in reply to: do we want to show how much we’ve chatted? #1096806

      cant beleive its been briught up as an issue but hey i cant write so dont listen to me
      edit: just as an after thought people can just go in the chatroom and write crap anyway so its pretty much pointless 🙂

      in reply to: 🙂 #1096841

        hey guys nice to be back,yeah i was out the country for a bit which was heaven :love: but unfortunately i had to come home and things have been manic ever since(good manic im glad to say).Sitting their trashed thismorning nothing to do so i thought i’d come and say hi and jibber some rubbish :lol_teeth Great crimbo cheers ate and drank far too much and got a bit silly with me future father-in-law xmas_badger

        in reply to: RIP James Brown #1096728

          RIP you will allways be a legend raaa

          in reply to: TK 421 moral support #1092989

            sorry to hear that mate,take care of yourself.

            in reply to: How was your year so far? #1092677

              sorry to here those of you that have had a bad year,i hope things get better as they finally seem to have of for me.I have sorted my life out totally this year,got my own place(well rented as opposed to mates sofas/spare beds)went to amsterdam for me birthday,festivals,partys and am going away for me girlfreinds birthday on thursday.Dont get me wrong i’ve had 4 years of crap(some of which i can only blame myself for),just trying to say even though your whole world can seem to fall apart around you,its not going to be like that for ever you’ve just got to try and get through it and not give up.
              B52,I lost a freind who commited suicide a few years ago,i ttook it really bad for reasons i wont go in to but i know how hard it can be for you and your freinds.My heart goes out to all of you,it does get easier.

              in reply to: miss mushed #1091254

                Thats great news glad it all went well she looks so sweet!
                :horay: :horay: :horay: :horay: :horay: :horay: :horay:

                in reply to: From hannah #1090966

                  Hi nice to meet you :bounce_g: :bounce_g: the who,floyd,sabbathraaa raaa

                  in reply to: miss mushed #1091253

                    CONGRATULATIONS!!Cant beleive you managed to post while in labour fairplay to you,hope all went well :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers:

                    in reply to: Dr Bunsen appreciation thread #1091778

                      thanks doc you do a great job running this place whacky108.gifwhacky108.gifwhacky108.gif

                      in reply to: mmm #1091532

                        22.gif nowt wrong with value beans and a football shirt :biggreen:

                        in reply to: Best Non Dance Tune EVER! #1077414

                          Dont know about ever but today
                          Iggy Pop-Lust for life
                          raaa raaa raaa raaa

                          in reply to: Sarah’s Law – what do you think? #1089774
                            april wrote:
                            you know…chillidog..raaa……. this thread will run an run coz there is such strong feelin about what should be done about nonses…i say hang em some say reabilitate..the petetions a good thing some think not……so on it goes…..:yawn: :crazy_dru

                            :satisfied had my say so im going to shut up about it now,as you said feelings run high on the subject but everyone has a right to their own opinions and i totally respect that,as i hope others do. :egg:

                            in reply to: Sarah’s Law – what do you think? #1089773
                              noname wrote:
                              So the law comes in… 110,000 paedophiles are named for anybody interested. How many bullets do you have? And is your conscience ready to deal with the mistakes that are inevitable? Because they will happen without question. Are they acceptable losses for the greater mission? And if so, would you be willing to make the sacrifice yourself?

                              Because that is the logical extension, and only reason for this law. If you aren’t going to vent your spleen at the named ones, and either hunt them from town (nobody will want to have them near after all), or kill them all and let god sort them out, what is the law going to do for you?

                              We all agree it needs dealing with, but black and white solutions to a problem with so many grey areas will only cause damage and hatred (the middle east will hopefully learn this soon too). Thats how it works… Hatred in=Hatred out.

                              What about the kid you twist beyond reckoning because you’ve done a parent in who had done nothing? One who was the victim of an unhappy spouse perhaps? Because in the climate of a witch hunt (which is what this will be), accusation will become fact far too easily (I have a pal who had his ex wife suggested some form of improper behaviour on his part to his kids – told them they couldn’t see daddy, as he might hurt them. A more unlikely paedophile you never met in your life btw, and all who know him know she was just being spiteful. What price his life if you’d shot him in the belief it was true? I certainly would never have forgiven you…And his kids would be devastated)

                              Feelings run high on this issue (understandably), but you cannot let your urge to take vengeance (because the feelings are so strong you lose all reason) cloud the discussion and solving of the real problem.

                              Which is where the stranger/well known argument comes in. There is a reason the NSPCC focus all their information advertising on the plight of kids in their family environment (April – you worked for them. Did you never ask?). In fact there are several:

                              1) It is FAR more likely to be the case – a very few cases of abuse involve total strangers (the targets of Sarah’s law). Most involve a family member or friend.

                              2) These are difficult in the extreme to untangle – kids who have known nothing else, and have the one who should be their protector telling them dire things will happen if they tell anyone are difficult to help – you cannot do anything if you don’t know about it, and the courts cannot convict with no evidence.

                              3) Families are sometimes unwilling to out a member who is an abuser, due to essentially an extension of the “what will the neighbours think” attitude. If they keep stumm, they can pretend at respectability (crazy I know, but happens a lot more often than you might think)

                              Sarah’s law will do nothing to help this situation, and will draw focus (a focus the NSPCC have worked hard and tirelessly to gain) away from this central issue, and give the public a “quick fix” for their anger. In other places, this is termed a Scapegoat.

                              As I said much earlier. LAW cannot be made on the basis of emotional temperature. It HAS to be done from a dispassionate perspective, or it is not LAW, it is reactionism, and that is usually ugly…

                              So someone who thinks this law is a good idea – explain to me (because I am sometimes a bit slow). How will my life as a parent be made any better knowing who has been convicted nearby? (taking into account earlier comments on the hunting/execution of all convicted…

                              All that will happen as far as I can see, is I will have a little more fear in my life (oh, and as a consequence of the witch hunt, the really clever evil buggers will have vanished from all radars, and will have nothing to lose anymore making life just a little more dangerous).

                              yes if i was 100% certain that someone was guilty of abusing a child i wouldn’t have a big problem with taking away the persons chances to repeat their actions.But what i was trying to say was that the present way of dealing with peodofiles is laughable evryone knows it,sarahs law is just a small step in the right dirrection to start showing that this sort of crime is not acceptable and won’t be tollerated,yes there probably would be innocent people getting wrongly accused,but in what law isn’t there?No i dont think it would stop them but it would be a bit more of a deterant.What would stop them is to get rid of them in a court of law,as ive said before they gave up their human rights when comiting these crimes why give them a chance to re-offend?It makes me sick that we(the tax payers)have to pay for these sick individuals to have a nice little stretch inside,whatever mental treatment/drugs they need,then sometimes we even have to pay for their protection/re-location when they get out :you_crazy i’d rather just pay for a little painless injection that would guarantee the end of the problem.As for not wanting to know were they live thats obviously a matter of opinion too.I dont have kids of my own so maybe thats were the differance in opinion comes from,but i do have a young neice and nephew that i love to bits and i would want to know if there was a peodofile living nearby,not so i could go and confront him but so they could move away.These people dont belong in society and theres not enough space or money to keep them all locked up.


                                Nice,sounds like fun fairplay to them raaa

                                in reply to: Hello From the Mav #1090931

                                  Allright mate welcome! :bounce_ci :bounce_ci

                                  in reply to: Four letter game #1090811


                                    in reply to: update on mom and new pics #1090780

                                      nice one,happy days!raaa whats the random blue writing about?

                                      in reply to: Four letter game #1090810


                                        in reply to: MSN request.. #1088377

                                          Hope you get this sorted out angel.What a sad …. this person must be.

                                          in reply to: vote: jackass, viva la bam or dirty sanchez? #1090730

                                            aint watched any of them for ages(novalty value run out long time ago)but its got to be jackass.dirty sanchez get on my nerves and i have no clue who the other ones are

                                            in reply to: anyone else have a bad thursday? #1090640

                                              I can do ribbons :groucho: cheers all,beer worked fine but the football afterwards(heads and volleys of all things!)was not one of my better ideas :you_crazy

                                              in reply to: anyone else have a bad thursday? #1090639

                                                hows that for a cheap shot at some sympathy!it was ok then due to lots of beer now my head hurts and not sure if its that or a hangover either way im going to the pub soon as for fry up and more medication/beer raaa cheers guys :horay:

                                                in reply to: Totem – RoughBreaks Sept 2006 *MIX DOWNLOAD* #1090630

                                                  Fat mix mate raaa i’ve downloaded a few of your sets didnt realise it was you,quality raaa raaa raaa

                                                  in reply to: Too all the lovely peeps of partyvibe!!! #1090571

                                                    all been said but…goodluck at uni,shti luck about your girlfreind,just think of all the nice young lady’s at uni they’ll take your mind off things :groucho: or if not go get trashed with your new mates :alcoholic allways was a bit envios of mates that went to uni,whenever we went to visit it was just constant partyraaa Have fun! raaa

                                                    in reply to: The magic disapearing Post #1090531
                                                      noname wrote:
                                                      OK…. For those who either cannot read, or who don’t know what the term “moderated” means:

                                                      This forum is moderated, meaning there are a few hard working individuals who get to read through the posts. When *childish* things get posted (the kind of things that you found it really funny to look up in the dictionary when you were 9, or things aimed at offending for no good reason), they remove them…

                                                      SJ doesn’t have this, nor do a lot of other forums (usenet has a similar idea, but self regulated – it’s called a kill filter).

                                                      No subterfuge or trickery involved, just a few dedicated people making this forum an interesting place to come and read rather than a place you have to filter your way through all the l33t posts, and Ive shagged ur mum topics, which are oh so funny….:hopeless::hopeless::hopeless:

                                                      So the answer: post as a grown up…or don’t post at all…ur choice.

                                                      Good answer raaa

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